What is Neurologic Music Therapy?
Neurologic music therapy (NMT) is an evidence-based clinical treatment system that is driven by advances in neuroscience and the understanding of the perception, production, and performance of music and how music can influence and change non-musical brain and behavior function.
The NMT Academy training is endorsed by the World Federation of Neurorehabilitation (WFNR), the European Federation of Neurorehabilitation Societies (EFNS), and the International Society for Clinical Neuromusicology (CNM). The NMT Academy is approved by the U.S. Certification Board of Music Therapy (CBMT) as an advanced provider for Continuing Music Therapy Education credits.
Who are Neurologic Music Therapists?
A neurologic music therapist is a music therapist with advanced professional training in a standardized system of clinical techniques that use the functional perception of all properties of music to train and retrain brain and behavior function. All training in NMT is done through the Academy of Neurologic Music therapy which maintains six affiliation categories that define representation, responsibility, and the level of expertise and engagement in the advanced practice of NMT.
Linda Martson - Burke, LCP, NMT is the Neurologic Music Therapist here at Success Rehabilitation.

When would I choose an NMT?
NMTs work on functional non-musical goals through structured musical interventions in neurologic rehabilitation, neuropediatric, neuropediatric, neuropsychiatric, and neurodevelopmental settings. They often work in conjunction with other health care professionals including physical therapy, speech/language pathologist, occupational therapy, neuropsychologist, and neurologist in order to address rehabilitative, adaptive, and developmental goals. Allied Professionals who have taken the NMT training may also use the principles and NMT techniques within their own professional scope of practice.
What populations do NMT’s work with?
NMTs work with many populations including stroke, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease, cerebral palsy, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, mental health, and other neurological diseases affecting cognition, movement, communication, and psychosocial function.